Are you happy with your paperwork

Your relationship with your paperwork. And its effect on your retirement.

Most people I know don’t like their current relationship with their paperwork.

And that’s understandable.

We all have accumulated an enormous amount of physical and digital paperwork over the course of our lives.

And often, it’s not very well organised. It takes up a lot of space in our homes, devices, and minds!

An overabundance of paperwork can cause stress and feel overwhelming.

At any time in our lives. 

I believe it’s particularly problematic and can become a heavy burden in retirement.

Think about the many negative consequences of ‘too much’ personal information in your life:

    • The ‘too much’ contains a lot of clutter, making it difficult to distinguish between what’s important and what’s not.
    • It consumes too much space in your life and mind, leaving less room for new ideas, plans, activities, and experiences.
    • It redirects your attention and energy to the past, preventing you from fully enjoying the present.
    • It complicates planning and managing changes in life circumstances, such as moving or downsizing.
    • It prevents you from being well-prepared in an emergency or life crisis.
    • It intensifies your family’s suffering when something happens to you, such as critical illness or death, and they must take care of your affairs.
    • It creates limiting feelings like insecurity, overwhelm, inadequacy, shame, frustration, or indecisiveness.

Too much and/or disorganised paperwork prevents us from transitioning into retirement with clarity and lightness.

And peace of mind.

What can we do to make it easier to fully enjoy a rich and relaxed life in retirement?

I believe the SOLUTION is
    • to exclusively focus on what’s very important to us now – and organise that in a simple and clear way.
    • And to radically sort out what might have been important in the past but is no longer relevant now.

If this approach sounds interesting to you and you are open to learning more about its radical aspect, then my new newsletter is for you.

The Purpose of the Optimised Paperwork Newsletter

I decided to start this newsletter as a place to introduce my Radical Paperwork Optimisation Approach step by step.

My approach is not complicated; however, it is – yes, it is radical.

That’s why I want to explain it in detail and offer many examples and case studies to make it easy to follow its six steps.

I know for sure that we can be well prepared for an enjoyable and relaxed retirement – if we learn to master all of life’s information – and focus only on what’s very important to us now.

Are you going to come along with me?

Get started with your personal Radical Paperwork Optimisation project – with the Retirement Readiness Check

You can download it for free. It will automatically sign you up for the Optimised Paperwork Newsletter – which will then guide you through the paperwork optimisation process.