A simple goal-setting trick helps to stay motivated

Retirement Success Strategy: The power of a second goal

What happens after we set ourselves a challenging goal?

The next step is usually figuring out how to achieve it. We identify the actions needed or the behaviours to develop. We might even create a detailed action plan. Then, hopefully, we follow through.

However, as we all know, sticking to our plan isn’t always easy. Motivation often wanes.

One way to boost motivation and willpower is to attach a second desirable outcome to our original goal.

Strengthening motivation with a second goal

Consider these examples:

    • Joining a running club improves fitness (original goal) and helps you meet new people (additional goal).
    • Decluttering your home creates more space and order (original goal) while clarifying your values and priorities (additional goal).
    • Volunteering in a community project gives a sense of purpose (original goal) and helps you build new friendships (additional goal).


Think of a goal you struggle to achieve. Ask yourself:

    • How could the actions I take to achieve this goal also lead to another rewarding outcome?
    • What additional benefits might I gain that I haven’t considered?

Write everything down. Don’t just think about it – put it on paper! Brainstorm all the added benefits that come with working toward your goal.

Then, when motivation dips, remind yourself that you’re not just achieving one goal—you’re achieving multiple benefits at the same time!

My experience with this strategy

I recently used this approach to boost my motivation for writing my weekly newsletter.

While I usually enjoy it, there are times when I struggle. This exercise showed me how many valuable outcomes stem from my writing habit:

    • I provide helpful retirement-organising tips to my subscribers (original goal).
    • I develop and refine new organising and retirement success strategies (additional goal).
    • These strategies improve my coaching sessions (another bonus).
    • And they help me simplify my own life (yet another outcome!).

Now, I no longer see writing my newsletter as just a single task. It’s an opportunity to grow, contribute, and improve multiple areas of my life—all at once.

By linking additional meaningful outcomes to your goals, you can do the same!

If you are determined to enjoy a meaningful retirement, my newsletter ‘Retirement Success Strategies for Professionals’ is for you.

Every week, I will share proven strategies & practical tools that will help you create the retirement life you want.

Sign up for the newsletter here.