You can ask your future self for help

Who do you want to be?

How are you going to create a clutterfree life?

    • Are you learning how to declutter your home? – Or are you becoming a declutterer?
    • Are you learning how to declutter your thoughts and feelings? – Or are you becoming the master of your mind?
    • Are you going to make better buying decisions? – Or are you becoming a conscious shopper?
    • Are you starting to be more organised? – Or are you becoming the organiser of your home/life?

Who are you becoming? What’s your future identity?

When we decide to make changes in our life, when we start to move towards achieving our goals, we are not only starting to do something differently.

Before we can start to act differently, we need to learn to think and feel differently.

We are becoming someone different, we are creating a new identity.

A new identity that is different to our past identity. Thus, we can’t look to the past for evidence on what to do differently and how to do it differently.

Our ‘future self’ can help us create our future identity

We can use our imagination to ‘slip’ into our future identity, so that by taking this special new point of view we can develop a better understanding of the person we are going to be in the future.  

When we start to identify ourselves as who we are becoming, it’s getting easier to find empowering thoughts and words to lean on when the work of change gets hard.

Thus, let’s not focus so much on what we are going to do differently, let’s instead focus on defining our new identity – how we are going to be different.

We can ask ourselves:

    • ‘Who am I becoming?’
    • ‘How does that person – the new me – make decisions?’
    • ‘What does that person think?’
    • ‘How does that person feel?’
    • ‘How does that person act?’


Give your mind a powerful idea of who you are becoming.

Focusing on your future identity will help you think, feel and act like the person you want to become.

Step 1: Define your new identity

These are just a few examples of new-identity ideas:

    • ‘I am becoming a life-declutterer.’
    • ‘I am becoming a mindful person,’
    • ‘I am learning to be a conscious shopper.’
    • ‘I am determined to become the organiser of my mind, my home and my life.’

Step 2: Describe how you will think, feel and act differently.


Thoughts: ‘As a life-declutterer I make sure that there is no clutter in my mind and no clutter in my home. I only ‘own’ thoughts and belongings that serve me. My mind and my home are clutterfree and organised.

Feelings: I feel determined and confident.

Actions: I practice mind-decluttering every day, and I create useful habits and routines that help me to keep my mind and home clear and clean.’

Now it’s your turn! Who do you want to be?

Fill in the blanks:

 ‘I am becoming a _______________.’

‘These are the thoughts I am going to think about myself and my life:



‘This is how I will feel and act in future: 



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