
Don’t be afraid of fear

The purpose of fear

Fear is one of those emotions that have played an important role in the human evolution – fear has kept us away from dangerous situations and helped us survive.

That’s why our mind is programmed for fear for survival, and fear still serves us in many ways.

It keeps us away from doing things that could hurt us, such as running into traffic. It helps us make better decisions when it comes to our safety, like complying with social distancing rules during pandemics.

However, fear is no longer as necessary as it used to be, most of our day-to-day fear is not necessary and not useful.

Often, useless fear keeps us from doing what we want to do, it causes us to avoid certain situations or activities, it can limit our personal growth potential.  

Having fear is part of the human experience.

If we want to overcome fear we first need to understand that having fear doesn’t mean that something has gone wrong with us. It doesn’t mean that we are weak or cowardly.

As human beings we are wired for survival and having fear is a normal part of the human experience.

Thus, accepting that fear is going to be part of our life can make it much easier to live with it.

Our thoughts create our fear.

Most of the self-limiting fear we have comes from a thought in our mind, a thought that might be irrational but nevertheless is creating fear which then keeps us from taking action.

As soon as we find that irrational thought and its cause, we can start to work on getting the fear out of our way.

One way to do so is to deliberately change our thoughts.

Let’s have a look at an example – The fear of public speaking

Many people are terrified of public speaking.

The fear of putting ourselves out there is often caused by another fear – the fear of potential humiliation. We are afraid of making a mistake and being laughed at because we believe that that would make us feel terrible.

Thus not the act of talking in front of an audience causes our fear of public speaking but the idea that our feelings could get hurt.

As soon as we understand the fear-causing thoughts, we can decide that we no longer want to believe them. We can search for more useful thoughts and replace the old ones.

We can, for example, decide to start thinking:

    • Being laughed at during a public speech is not the end of the world.
    • The worst thing that could happen is feeling humiliated.
    • And that’s just a temporary feeling, it will go away.
    • And experiencing it will make us stronger.

Taking action while feeling fear is a skill that we can develop.

If the fear-causing thoughts and the fear itself (in this case the fear of humiliation) are deep-seated and hard to change, we can decide to take action anyway.

We don’t have to be fearless to take action.

Taking action while we are still feeling fear is always possible:

    • We might need to remind ourselves that there is no real danger, that it’s not about life or death.
    • We consider the worst that can happen and tell ourselves that we will survive it.
    • We decide that we don’t give in to our fear of fear.
    • And then we do the thing we are afraid of.

How to fail successfully

It is impossible to live without failing at something, unless you live so cautiously that you might as well not have lived at all, in which case you have failed by default.” (J.K. Rowling)

Do you ‘like’ your failures? ?

    • What have been the 3 biggest failures in your life so far?
    • What were your 5 most important failures last month?
    • How often did you fail last week?
    • What’s your most recent failure?

Do these questions make you feel uncomfortable?

Most of us don’t like to talk about our failures. And we don’t like to think about them.

Instead, we try to forget them as quickly as possible.

And if we don’t manage to get them out of our mind, we at least try to hide them from other people’s eyes.

We tend to fear failure and try our very best to avoid failure because we feel bad when we fail.

But the only reason why we feel bad about our failures is because we have negative thoughts about failing.

What is failure?

Failure happens when we set out to do something, and we have an expectation of the result of our action(s), and then we miss that expectation, we don’t achieve the result we wanted to have.   

At this point, failure is still something neutral, it’s neither negative nor positive. It’s just something that didn’t turn out the way we had expected.

We have complete control over how we think and feel about the missed expectation and result.

A little side note: There was a time in our life when we all enjoyed failing

We all know from our own experience that falling down and failing while learning to walk is a precondition of becoming successful at walking.

You might not remember it but as a baby you most probably enjoyed the process of continuously failing: falling down, getting up,  falling down, … . Giving up was no option, each failure/falling helped building up strength and capability, and success was just a matter of time – finally you walked!

How failure can become something negative

We get to decide what we are going to make it mean if we miss our expectations.

How we think about the ‘failure’ determines how we feel about it – which finally changes the neutral fact of a missed expectation into a negative or positive experience.

Unfortunately, we very often decide to think about failed expectations in a negative way, in a way that creates negative feelings – disappointment, shame, pain.

That’s why we try to avoid failure – we want to avoid the negative feelings we associate with it.

How failure can become something positive

However, we are free to choose having positive – or at least neutral – thoughts about failure.

We can decide to think, ‘O.k., I missed my expectation, I didn’t achieve the desired result this time. That’s not the end of the world. It’s actually a learning opportunity. I can have a closer look at it and learn and then try it again in a different way.’

The better we get at having positive feelings about failing, the more willing we are to try and do what we need to do on the way to our success. The more often we are willing to risk missing our expectations, the more we are going to learn, and the better we are getting at meeting our expectations – and becoming successful.

How to become better at failing

We can increase our chances of success by getting good at failing.

We learn to get good at failing by doing it often. And by appreciating and using each failure as a learning opportunity.


Think about an activity, a project or a task that you actually want to do but that you have postponed again and again. 

Are you trying to avoid failure?

Decide now that you will no longer allow fear of failure hold you back.

Describe what you are expecting to get out of it, what results you wish to achieve.

And then do it.

    • The worst thing that can happen is that you fail and that you allow yourself to think and feel bad about it.
    • A great thing that can happen is that you fail and feel good about it, and use it as a learning opportunity.
    • Another great thing that can happen is that you succeed – not only because you get the result you want but also because you experience what can happen if you don’t avoid failure.


Appreciate each failure experience as a learning opportunity.

Read the questions about past and current failures on the top of this article again.

And take the time to answer them.

Then lean back and consider

    • How did these experiences help you learn and evolve?
    • How did they help you getting better at doing difficult things?
    • How can they be seen as proofs of your courage, decisiveness and determination?
    • How did they benefit you although or even because they didn’t result in what you expected?

Failure is something you have to consider as something you want to include in your life. It’s not something to avoid. It’s actually something to pursue and to get very good at.” (Brooke Castillo, The Life Coach School)

How to set goals

Why setting goals and pursuing them is so important

The main reason why we usually decide to set goals for ourselves is, of course, because we want to achieve or get something that we currently don’t have in our life. Or maybe we want to change what currently is to something else – usually something better.

However, goal setting not only gets us on track to move towards our goals.

The special benefits of setting and pursuing goals

    • The act of setting goals and then moving towards them has a deeper benefit:

It allows us to evolve and to develop our personal potential.

Moving towards something that’s beyond our current abilities and overcoming the obstacles on our way helps us to stretch ourselves and to become better in what we do and who we are.

    • Another positive effect of setting and pursuing goals is that it gives our mind focus and direction.

If we don’t direct our mind, it runs on default. It might focus on thoughts that don’t benefit us – because they produce feelings and actions that create unwanted results in our life.

Our deliberate intentions and goals keep our mind from running ‘wild’, they provide supervision and structure and help us live our life on purpose.

The process of goal-setting – 6 tips that help you achieve what you want:

    1. Choose a goal – even if you don’t have one.

Even if you don’t have a specific goal at the moment, the act of setting a goal can be a really powerful and useful exercise.

It gives your mind and life focus and direction; it strengthens your motivation to realise your personal potential; it helps you get what you want. So, think about the different areas in your life and pick one you don’t feel happy about.

Now, choose a goal to help you make positive changes in the chosen area.

    1. Get specific but don’t think about the how yet.

Be very specific about your goal.

Talk about your goal in the first person and the present tense. Decide on time-frames, deadlines, and other details. However, don’t think about how you will achieve the goal yet.

For now, you focus on the what and when.

    1. Write the goal down.

Take your goal out of your imagination and make it real and tangible.

The best way to do this is to write it down. Writing down your goal on a piece of paper gets it out of your brain. You now can look at it, you can adjust it, you can carry it around, and you can (and should) read it again and again.

Your goal now acts like a GPS destination, indicating where you want to go.

    1. Stretch yourself with the goal, and ‘welcome’ any negative feelings.

Offer yourself a real self-development opportunity – make sure that you push yourself beyond your current comfort zone with your goal.

If it seems easy to achieve, it’s not a real goal! You will know you have stretched yourself sufficiently if negative emotions such as fear, doubt, or shame arise. Don’t push these feelings away; accept them as normal parts of the process.

Honouring and managing these feelings will not only ensure that you achieve your goal but also allow you to become a more robust and better version of yourself.

    1. Uncover any negative thoughts, and question/replace them.

Search for the negative thoughts that cause uncomfortable feelings.

It might be something like ‘This is too hard to do’, or ‘I don’t know how to do this’, or ‘I don’t know if this is what I want’. Uncover all the thoughts behind your feelings of disbelief or doubtfulness or fear – and write them down.

Then, remind yourself that these thoughts are just choices. Your human brain is bringing them up to protect you – it wants you to avoid any risks by keeping everything as it is – but that doesn’t mean you have to believe these limiting thoughts. 

Tell your mind, ‘No worries – I’ll figure this out.’

    1. Have a brainstorming session with your future self to design an action plan.

When you are ready to start working on your action plan, you can ask your future self for help.

Imagine yourself at the place in the future when your goal has been completed. From that place, look back to where you are now, and you tell your present self the how – all the steps you took to accomplish the goal and what you did to overcome the obstacles on your way. Write these steps down; they build your action plan.

Now, you are ready to take the first action and work on achieving your goal!

With these tips, you can set new goals for your life that will help you start moving and creating the life you want to live.

The process of goal-setting – A personal example

Last year, I decided to improve my fitness levels. This is what my goal-setting looked like:

Tip 1 to 3 – Choose a goal, be specific, write it down

I want to increase my fitness levels by becoming a better runner. On my birthday – in 6 weeks’ time – I run from home to Bondi (across the suburbs) and then back home (along the coastal walk). That’s about 15 km and will take me about 2 hours.

Tip 4 – Stretch yourself and appreciate negative feelings

It’s a bold goal! Currently, I run for about 25 minutes two or three times a week. The idea to run around 2 hours without a break feels very intimidating and uncomfortable.

Tip 5 – Uncover negative thoughts and question/replace them

My original thoughts:

That’s a stupid idea. I am fit enough – why do I put this pressure on myself? I will hate myself if I don’t make it. And all the preparations and the training! I need to make a plan! And then stick to it! Oh no, this is really stupid – why do I always make my life difficult?!

My counter-thoughts:

O.k., o.k., calm down. It always feels great to achieve ambitious goals and this one will be no different. I’ll feel fantastic on my birthday, being so fit and strong. Yes, of course, it needs some time and effort to get prepared. Yes, I need to make a plan. But I am good at planning. I’ll make it work out!

Tip 6 – A brainstorming session with your future self

This is what I imagine my future self would say to me after the Bondi run:

I remember how uncomfortable I felt, 6 weeks ago, when I made this decision and wrote the goal down. It felt so intimidating to see my goal on paper.

But then I made a plan. I decided to change my running schedule to 4 times a week and to extend the running time to 40 minutes.

I also decided to do longer runs every Sunday: 45 minutes on the first Sunday (at the end of the first week), 50 minutes on the following Sunday, 60 minutes on the third and fourth Sunday, 90 minutes on the fifth Sunday (one week before the Bondi run). 

I created a simple action plan, listing the running dates and running times.

I put the plan on the wall, opposite my desk, so that I had to look at it every day. And on all running days, I wrote ‘done!’ at the end of the line of that day as soon as I came home from running. That felt good!

I also remember, however, that it was not always fun, especially the longer runs on Sundays. But I never thought about giving up; that was just no option. I reminded myself that I did this for myself and that it was worth the effort.  

Success! Goal achieved!

Eight weeks after I had set my goal, I did the Bondi run – it took me 1 hour and 50 minutes and was quite exhausting. But – I did it! The goal-setting process was very helpful, especially the ‘talks’ with my future self.

How to feel better now

What do you really want in your life?

When someone asks us what we really want in our life, most of us say that we want to feel good or better, or that we just want to be happy.

So it seems to be very important to find out what it is that makes us feel good, better or happy.

Where do our feelings come from?

Often, we believe that our feelings are determined by the external circumstances in our life.

We say that we feel a certain way because of something that’s happening outside of us: other people and what they do or don’t do, the past/our past experiences, events that are happening or not happening.

We are persuaded that the reason for what we are feeling is out there, outside of our control. But that’s not true.

Every feeling is created in our mind, by the thoughts we are thinking.

Feeling better or happy is completely within our control!

That’s very good news, of course, but it’s not so easy to accept/believe for many of us.

We got so used to the idea that we have to depend on something external, outside of us, in order to feel a certain way.

We believe that we can only feel happy if, for example, the scale proves to us that we have the ‘ideal’ weight.

We are persuaded that we will be happy as soon as we have found the ‘perfect’ partner.

We think that we can only feel good if we get promoted or a ‘better’ job.

But it’s not the external things that we believe we need to have that will make us feel better.

It’s always the thoughts that we have about our external circumstances that make us feel a certain way.


A very simple example is the weather.

How we feel about the weather has nothing to do with the weather but is completely determined by what we think about the weather.

If it’s heavily raining on a Sunday morning, we might think: ‘Oh no, we can’t go to the beach. This will be a boring day!’ – It’s heavily raining and we feel miserable and bored.

However, if we think: ‘Oh yeah, that’s great, now I can stay in bed and keep reading all day long!’ –  It’s heavily raining and we will feel great and enjoy the day.


Let’s imagine we believe that as soon as we achieve our ‘ideal’ body weight we are going to be happy.

Again, it’s not the circumstance – the ‘ideal’ numbers on the scale – that has the power to make us happy. The numbers are completely neutral, they actually mean nothing unless we assign a meaning to them.

It’s the thoughts that we have about these numbers that have the power to create the feelings we desire to have.

We might believe:

‘As soon as I’ll see these ideal numbers on the scale I will know that I am a great person. I will be fit and thin and people will admire me. I will feel attractive and confident and lovable and admirable. I will feel fantastic about myself. I will be happy.

If we look at this scenario from an objective point of view, we know that the conclusions above are not realistic:

    • We all know a lot of people who have achieved their weight loss goals, who have these ‘ideal’ numbers on the scale, who are fit and thin and attractive – but nevertheless feel completely miserable and unhappy. – The numbers on the scale don’t have the power to create good feelings for them.
    • We also know other people with a body weight much higher than the healthy ‘ideal’ numbers who feel strong and confident and fantastic about themselves. – The numbers on the scale don’t have the power to create bad feelings for them.

Thus, the secret to feeling happy is not waiting for something external to change. It is to change the thoughts we are thinking right now.

We can still choose to aim for our goals, of course. We can, for example, keep our plans to lose weight, if we want to.

But it’s time now for us to give up the idea that achieving that goal is necessary for us being able to feel the way we want to feel.

Knowing that our circumstances – our body weight, for example – have nothing to do with how we are feeling about ourselves, we can start to search for believable thoughts that will help us to feel our desired feelings now.  


Start with one feeling you wish to feel more often and decide to focus on that favourite feeling for several days.

Referring back to the second example above, it could be ‘feeling confident’ (Feeling confident now, no matter what the numbers on the scale are!)

    • Going through your day, ask yourself again and again, ‘What do I have to think to feel ___ in this moment?’ – For example, ‘What do I have to think to feel confident right now?’. 
    • It might be that you struggle in the beginning to find believable thoughts. Just start ‘smaller’: ‘What do I have to think to feel a little bit more confident in this moment?’ 
    • You can also look back to your past to find helpful thoughts. ‘What was a situation in the past when I felt confident? What thoughts did I have about myself at that time? Could I think similar confidence-creating thoughts today?’
    • Look around for role models, people who seem to have a lot of the feeling you desire to have. ‘What might that person be thinking that makes her feel confident right now?’

Become an expert in creating and feeling your favourite feeling. Right now.



Are you tired?

Tired of trying to (re)organise the various areas of your life entirely on your own?

Tired of investing vast amounts of time and energy in finding a way to create a better organised = better life?

Tired of feeling overwhelmed, confused, frustrated, stressed, disappointed, exhausted, …?

Fortunately, you don’t have to figure it out all by yourself.

We can do it together.

You can decide to get my support, advice, and guidance – and achieve the desired changes in your life so much faster and easier. 

Check out how I can help you.

How to take action

How to take action and make changes in our life

Many of us share this experience:

We have an idea or a goal we want to realise, we plan to change a certain behaviour, we want to create a new habit – and we really want to get active and do this thing.

But then we don’t do it. 

We don’t get started at all, or we get started but then stop again as soon as the first obstacle shows up.

So, why aren’t we taking action, why do we procrastinate and postpone, why do we quit, again and again?

It’s because of the clutter in our mind.

It’s because of all the thoughts and feelings that we got used to thinking and feeling, that we keep thinking and feeling although they don’t serve us.

Everything we do or don’t do, every action or inaction in our life, is driven by a feeling. A feeling which is caused by a thought.

If we don’t get active, it’s because we don’t ‘feel like doing it’.

As our feelings drive our actions, we only get active if we have the appropriate action-fueling feelings.

And we can only feel the ‘right’ way if we have the ‘right’ thoughts – thoughts that are creating the feelings we need to feel to take action and to create the results we want to have in our life.    

Now it’s clear why we so often struggle to take action and make changes in our life:

If we try to take action without changing our thoughts and feelings, we run into problems:

We are trying to work against our mind – against the thoughts and feelings we got so used to – and that is really hard.

Let’s have a look at an example, let’s pretend I want to lose weight.

EXAMPLE – Weight Loss Goal – PART 1

My current thought is: ‘It’s really hard. I’ve tried so many times to lose weight and it didn’t work out. This time I have to make it work somehow.’

Based on that thought my feeling might be: Doubtful. Or skeptical. Maybe shameful. Or even desperate.

This type of feelings will most probably create action(s) like these: Postponing and waiting for the ‘right’ time to start the new diet. Or starting a new diet plan but giving in at the end of the next stressful day – getting to the fridge to find relief.

The result I’m creating: Another attempt to lose weight that doesn’t work out.

We can easily see here why it’s so hard to get new results if we stick to our old thoughts and feelings. 

Before we can change our thoughts we need to understand what’s going on in our mind: We need to learn how to watch ourselves think.

As soon as we manage to look ‘from the outside’ into our mind and to observe our current thoughts and feelings – like we did in the example above -, we begin to understand why we struggle to make changes.

We can then decide to take control of our mind and to change our thoughts.

EXAMPLE – Weight Loss Goal – PART 2

My new – deliberately chosen and practiced – thought is: ‘It doesn’t matter what happened in the past. This time I take a different approach. I’ll make this work out for me. And I will be so proud of myself in the end!’

My feeling now is something like: Determined. Or confident. Or committed.

My action(s) will look like these: Creating a detailed plan for the dieting process, including strategies how to overcome temptations and obstacles. Deliberately and regularly imagining the feelings of pride and accomplishment. Keeping to the diet plan.

My new result is different, of course! The different approach (different thoughts and feelings) helps me to do what I want to do. I am making myself proud of myself.

As soon as we consciously change our thoughts we also change our feelings which enables us to change our actions/behaviours and therefore the results in our life.


Think about the things you would like to do, the goals you wish to achieve.

Step 1 – Pick one goal. Describe the result you want to create:


(Example: ‘My paperwork is clutterfree and well organised.’)

Step 2 – What would you have to do, which actions would you have to take to create the desired result? Write it down:


(Example: ‘I go through the 3 boxes of papers (stored in the garage), the 10 binders in my filing cabinet, and the paper pile on my desk. I take up/out each piece of paper and decide: to shred or to keep/file? I reorganise the binders and file what I decided to keep. I shred what I no longer need.’)

Step 3 – Now think about what feeling you need to feel to take the necessary action and get that thing done. Do you need to feel confident? Determined? Committed? Or something else? Write it down:


(Example: ‘I feel determined.’)

Step 4 – What thought would you need to be thinking to create the feeling you listed above?


(‘Yes, I’ve become a bit lazy with my paperwork and now it’s quite messy. I don’t like that and I’m the right person to change it. I’m going to get it sorted out next Saturday.’)

Step 5 – Now practice thinking that thought. Day by day.

(Example: ‘I don’t like that and I’m the right person to change it. – I don’t like that and I’m the right person to change it. – I don’t like that and I’m the right person to change it. …’)

Expect your feelings and actions to change soon. Slowly but surely. 

Get excited about the new results you will experience soon. Enjoy the change.



Are you tired?

Tired of trying to (re)organise the various areas of your life entirely on your own?

Tired of investing vast amounts of time and energy in finding a way to create a better organised = better life?

Tired of feeling overwhelmed, confused, frustrated, stressed, disappointed, exhausted, …?

Fortunately, you don’t have to figure it out all by yourself.

We can do it together.

You can decide to get my support, advice, and guidance – and achieve the desired changes in your life so much faster and easier. 

Check out how I can help you.

Asking powerful questions to open up our mind


The negative effects of negative questions

    • ‘Why do I always mess it up?’,
    • ‘How can he be so stupid?’,
    • ‘What’s wrong with me?’,
    • ‘When is it going to get better?’,
    • ‘Why is life so hard?’,
    • ‘Does everything have to be so difficult?’,
    • ‘Why is she always so mean to me?’,
    • ‘Why doesn’t he understand me?’,
    • ‘Why am I always angry?’

When we ask ourselves this type of negative questions – and we all do it, every day, or from time to time, often without being aware of it – we hurt ourselves.

Questions like the examples above are not only useless, they are damaging.

As soon as we ask a negative question, our mind gets to work:

It will follow the direction we have given to it and come back with negative and destructive answers. It starts to build up a negative thought pattern which will first create negative feelings and ultimately negative results in our life. 

How can we stop this cycle of negativity?

The power of positive questions

We can take control of our mind, we can always choose thoughts that help us feel and act better.

One of the many ways to guide our mind is to ask the right questions.

When we ask ourselves powerful questions, our mind will open up and answer with powerful thoughts. It will shift toward constructing better thought patterns which will make us feel better.

And when we feel better, we are better able to create the results we want to have in our life.

Examples of powerful questions

    • ‘What am I grateful for?’,
    • ‘Why is today a good day?’,
    • ‘What can I do to make today a good day?’,
    • ‘What is a/the solution to this problem?’,
    • ‘What can I learn from this situation?’,
    • ‘How do I want to feel right now?’,
    • ‘What’s the good news about this?’,
    • ‘What am I making this mean?’,
    • ‘What is the one thing I could do now to make it better?’,
    • ‘What would be a good reaction?’.

How to find powerful questions

It’s usually not difficult to come up with powerful questions when everything is running smoothly and we feel good and strong already.

When we have a bad day, or find ourselves in a tough situation, it’s often not easy to come up with a question that can help us find powerful answers and create positive thoughts and feelings.  

This is why we have to get prepared.

We have to search for and practice powerful questions ahead of time.

We want to make sure that we always have a powerful question at hand when we need it urgently.

Give it a try

Pick one of the powerful questions from the list above and play around with it.

Use it over the course of one day or several days to help you develop more powerful thought patterns.

If you chose, for example, the question

    • ‘What is the one thing I could do now to make it better?’

your mind will most probably come up with answers that make you feel more active, powerful, and in control – which will make it easier for you to take action and create results intentionally.


Are you tired?

Tired of trying to (re)organise the various areas of your life entirely on your own?

Tired of investing vast amounts of time and energy in finding a way to create a better organised = better life?

Tired of feeling overwhelmed, confused, frustrated, stressed, disappointed, exhausted, …?

Fortunately, you don’t have to figure it out all by yourself.

We can do it together.

You can decide to get my support, advice, and guidance – and achieve the desired changes in your life so much faster and easier. 

Check out how I can help you.

Getting support from our past and future

Making changes and achieving goals requires commitment and determination.

When we make the decision to change something, when we set a goal, we usually feel excited and determined to do whatever we have to do to make the change happen, to achieve the goal.

However, doing the work isn’t so much fun in many cases.

Decluttering our home, for example, can be hard work.

We have to be willing to invest time, effort and energy, we might feel uncomfortable and anxious about how to get the job done.

Often, our excitement about the desired change shrinks and our motivation to do the first step decreases rapidly.

So how can we keep ourselves going when we feel like giving up and quitting the work even before it has started?

We can strengthen our determination and commitment by taking responsibility for our future self and learning from our past self.

How our future self and our past self can support our present self

The idea of a future, past and present self (Source: Brooke Castillo) is a construct, it’s all made up.

However, the imagination of our three selves can help us get started and keep going whenever life gets hard and we feel like hiding or running away.

Our present self is creating our future.

Our future self will be the result of our current thoughts, feelings and actions. It completely depends on the decisions our present self makes today.

Thinking about our future self and loving it as much as we love our present self can change how we are showing up and following through on our plans today, in the present.

We can gain energy, inspiration and motivation from asking questions like these:

    • How will our future self feel about ourselves if we now remain committed and do the work (e.g. get the clutter out)?
    • How grateful will it be to our present self for pushing away any self-doubt and thoughts of giving up?
    • How proud will our future self be about the achievements of our present self?

Our past self has created our present.

Our current self – the person we are today – is the result of the thoughts, feelings and actions that our past self created.

Our past ambitions and our goals and our willingness to realise them, no matter how hard the work was, have brought us to the point where we are now.

We can deliberately appreciate what our past self has done for our present self.

We can decide to learn from our past self and copy the methods and tools it used successfully to move forward.

We can gain advice and insights by asking questions like these:

    • How did our past self get started with difficult projects (e.g., projects similar to our decluttering job)?
    • How did our past self overcome self-doubt and procrastination in similar situations?
    • What useful tips and tricks has our past self to offer to make our present self’s life and work easier?

Conversations with our past self and with our future self can be very helpful. And they can be real fun!


Give it a try!

Start playing around with your three selves:

Imagine your three selves are sitting at a table.

    • First you ask your present self to choose and describe the problem it wants to solve.

This could be, for example: A project you postponed again and again. A bad habit you want to get rid of. A challenging goal you want to achieve. An upcoming conversation you are afraid of. …

    • Now ask your future and your past selves for support.

Ask them the questions listed above. And anything else that comes up to your mind. Write down their answers and recommendations.

    • Then tell your present self to get started with what has to be done.
    • Monitor its progress. Evaluate and make changes to your activities/actions if necessary.

Don’t forget to celebrate your success.

And invite your three selves to the party. 😃😃😃

Why saying goodbye is difficult – and necessary

“Saying goodbye is difficult, and most of us don’t do it enough.” (Brooke Castillo)

However, saying goodbye is part of life, and it is necessary:

If we wish to evolve and grow, if we want to make changes in our lives to move forward and make things better, we have to create space for the new:

We have to let go of what no longer serves us, what no longer fits into the life we want to have.

We need to say goodbye to the past

if we want to open the door to the present and welcome the future.

We need to say goodbye to relationships that are complete – relationships with things in our life, but also relationships with people, relationships with beliefs and thought patterns, and habits.

If we are holding on to something that’s no longer truly valuable to us, just because we had a relationship with it in the past, it will wear us down, slow us down, and it will suck up our energy.

Dragging stuff along that no longer serves us is a waste of energy – and we have a limited amount of energy.

Why do we find it difficult to say goodbye?

There are many reasons why saying goodbye is so hard.

A very big one is that saying goodbye means making decisions and initiating change. And that’s something our human brain doesn’t want us to do.

Our brain wants us to keep things as they are because it wants to keep us safe.

It wants us to avoid the unknown and the potential risk involved in letting new stuff into our lives. That’s why it’s easier to hold on to everything we have and avoid the decision to let go of what’s no longer needed and useful.

Also, we tend to associate loss with saying goodbye. We try to avoid saying goodbye because we don’t want to experience ‘negative’ feelings like sadness or grief.

Another reason for not making decisions and not saying goodbye is that we are afraid that we will feel regret or guilt about letting go of something that was valuable at some point in time.

If we have invested our time, energy, attention, or money into something, we often hesitate to let it go ‘for free’.

That’s why we keep so much stuff in our lives that’s still usable but no longer useful to us.

We think we should only sort out what is damaged, broken, and no longer working.

However, it’s not always necessary for something to be faulty to say goodbye to it.

If we don’t need, use, or love it anymore, it occupies undeserved space in our homes, minds, and hearts, and it sucks up our energy.

Space and energy that we need for new things, people, thoughts, etc. to come in.

How do we make goodbye decisions?

It’s good to know that our brain hates any changes and let-go decisions and will try its best to bring up thoughts and feelings that are supposed to keep us where we are and what we have in our life right now.

If we prepare ourselves for ‘negative’ thoughts and feelings, we can better confront them and deliberately decide what WE want to think and decide:

First, we take an inventory of what we currently have in our life:

    • our physical belongings (including paperwork and digital information),
    • our relationships with other people,
    • our thoughts and beliefs,
    • our habits, behaviours, and actions
    • our work, hobbies, interests, activities,
    • etc. 

Then, we ask ourselves questions – and we answer them honestly.

    • ‘Does it still serve me? – Do I need, use, love it? Really?’
    • ‘Does it move me toward what I want, or does it move me away from what I want to have in my life?’

If we can’t respond with a clear ‘yes’ to this type of question, it’s time to decide to let go and say goodbye.

It’s important that we make these decisions clearly and definitely, we have to commit to the goodbye and not look back.

Then, we can move forward, into our (uncluttered) future, toward what we want to have in our lives.

We now have the space and energy for new experiences, relationships, interests, activities, things, etc.


Are you tired?

Tired of trying to (re)organise the various areas of your life entirely on your own?

Tired of investing vast amounts of time and energy in finding a way to create a better organised = better life?

Tired of feeling overwhelmed, confused, frustrated, stressed, disappointed, exhausted, …?

Fortunately, you don’t have to figure it out all by yourself.

We can do it together.

You can decide to get my support, advice, and guidance – and achieve the desired changes in your life so much faster and easier. 

Check out how I can help you.

Appreciating the good stuff in our life

The ‘Treasure Chest’ Exercise

An easy-to-do daily habit that’s super powerful – because it strengthens our ‘feeling-good muscle’:

It makes us feel better. Consistently and reliably.

We take just a few minutes every day to intentionally appreciate the good things in our lives:

    • the good external stuff that’s happening to us (a nice sunny day, a stranger smiling at us, winning the lottery, etc.)
    • and the good things we are doing/accomplishing (smiling at a stranger, cleaning the kitchen, finishing a tough project, getting up at 5 a.m., etc.)

The goal of the exercise is to come up with positive thoughts about the things we value and appreciate in our life, all the stuff we are grateful for and happy about.

These thoughts, in turn, help us to fill up our personal ‘treasure chest’ of positive feelings:

All the appreciation, gratefulness, happiness, pride, and contentment we add to our ‘treasure chest’ today will keep our hearts warm during the cloudy or stormy periods of our lives.

The special feature of the exercise is that we commit ourselves to adhere to a set of rules.

The Rules of the Treasure Chest Exercise

Rule #1 – We do the exercise every day

Every day, in the morning or in the evening, we take a few minutes to reflect on the day and come up with positive thoughts.

The exercise is particularly powerful if we do it consistently. The goal is to make it a daily habit. 

A good way to do this is to make the exercise part of our morning or evening routine. Ideally, we link it to another activity that we are already doing reliably every day. 

Example: If you want to do the exercise in the morning, you could decide to sit down and do it after you start the coffee machine. Or to do it while you are having breakfast. 

Rule #2 – We write the thoughts down.

We don’t just do the exercise in our head. Writing our thoughts down allows us to look at them and makes them more conscious, even tangible.

It’s also important to keep our daily thought collections in one place. This could be a notebook, a note app on the phone, or a file on our computer. It doesn’t matter what we choose as our thought ‘storage area’ but it needs to be easily accessible

Ideally, we collect our thoughts in a calendar or diary. Having a visible free space for every day will remind us and motivate us to fill in something every day. 

Another great way to ‘store’ our positive thoughts is to write them on little cards that we collect in a glass bowl. (See PS below.)

Rule #3 – We are very specific.

We don’t quickly grap general and broad thoughts. Instead, we are very specific in our descriptions and we focus on the details

By forcing ourselves to be very specific, we strengthen our ability to discover all the good stuff in our lives – the big important things, but also the smaller great stuff that’s happening every day.

Example: If you feel grateful for your good relationship with your daughter, don’t write, ‘I’m grateful for my relationship with my daughter’. That’s too general. Instead, pick one specific reason why you are today feeling grateful for the relationship you have with your daughter.

How to do the Treasure Chest Exercise

If we want to get used to and then stick to a specific routine, it’s best to make it as easy and simple as possibleand always the same.

We want to ensure that we don’t have to think about how to do the exercise – because too much thinking and preparation could keep us from doing it

‘Free’ writing

For many people, the easiest and simplest way is to write down whatever comes to their mind. Any thinking guidelines or prompts would make them feel restricted and take the fun and ease away.

If this is you, do it your way. Open your notebook/diary/etc. and just start writing.

‘Guided’ writing

Others (including me), however, struggle to start writing on a blank piece of paper. They prefer to move along a ‘thinking guideline’.

If this is you, a prepared set of questions/prompts will make it easier for you to get started. Every day, you just pick one or two questions and answer them in writing.

Examples of questions you could ask yourself:

In the morning:

    • What’s the main feeling I want to choose for today? What do I need to think to feel that way?
    • What do I want to think and feel about myself this evening? What do I want to do during the day to ensure that I’ll be able to think and feel this way in the evening?
    • Why is today a good day?
    • What’s on my to-do list for today? What are my top 3 priorities? Why?
    • What can I do to make today a good day? What else?
    • What difficulties/obstacles could pass my way today and how can I overcome them?
    • Which of my talents/abilities do I want to make use of today?
    • What is the biggest gift in my life right now?
    • etc. (add questions that you’d like to answer)

In the evening:

    • What worked well today? Why? What didn’t work? Why? What will I do differently tomorrow? Why?
    • What are 3 things I am grateful for today?
    • What happened today that brought me joy?
    • What am I proud of today?
    • What were my 3 best decisions today?
    • What were my 3 best actions?
    • What made me smile today?
    • What is something a friend/family member/stranger did today that made me feel happy/grateful?
    • etc. (add questions that you’d like to answer)


It can be nice to have a set of questions to choose from – but it can also be confusing.

Give yourself a good start and pick only one question.

And use this one question for your Treasure Chest Exercise for at least a couple of days. Maybe it’s a question you want to focus on for the whole month, or even for the whole year. If not, you just choose another question whenever you feel like. 

Now – start writing!

    • Go as quickly as you can,
    • don’t judge your thoughts,
    • just write down any positive thoughts.
    • Try to be very specific. 
    • And do it every day.

That’s it.

If you do this exercise consistently, day after day, you will soon start to notice the positive effect it has on your mindset, and, of course, on your feelings.

You’ll start feeling better, day by day.


A great way to ‘store’ your positive thoughts is to write them on little cards that you collect in a glass bowl. You can see how your collection is growing every day. And whenever you want to feel better, you pick a positive-thought card from the bowl. 😀

Decluttering our home makes us feel better

Decluttering and organising our home is a great way to make us feel better.

First, it’s an activity that produces direct and visible results and positive change in our home – more order and space around us.

And living in a clutterfree and organised home has additional positive effects on our daily life: We gain more time, more productivity, more peace of mind.

Second, decluttering and organising our home is a very practical way to prove to our mind that we are the ones who determine how our life looks like.

Making decisions about our physical belongings and actively getting our stuff sorted makes us feel powerful and in control – which in turn creates other strong positive feelings such as confidence and self-efficacy. (Read more: ‘How to take back control and feel more powerful in uncertain times’)

The small-steps decluttering approach

If we own a lot of stuff, if many areas of our home are cluttered with too many things, the solution could be to conduct a massive decluttering project, clearing up our home completely, in one go.

However, we don’t have to do it all in one go. We can instead decide to commit ourselves to do a series of shorter and smaller decluttering projects.

The benefits of the small-steps decluttering approach

    • The small-steps decluttering approach allows us to achieve fast results.
    • It’s easy to integrate the decluttering sessions into our daily life because they are short and have a clearly defined duration.
    • Scheduling the sessions as appointments in our calendar helps us to take them seriously and to develop a regular decluttering routine.
    • Regular decluttering sessions have a similar effect as other regular exercises: we practice our decluttering skills and build up ‘I-can-do-it’ confidence.

How to conduct the small-steps decluttering sessions

As any new activity, small-steps decluttering, too, needs a bit of practice.

However, the process is not difficult, it’s very ‘organised’ and clearly structured: We get everything out, we sort and declutter, we organise. That’s it.

The first time we might need to have our instructions close by (CLICK HERE for a detailed description of the process) so they can guide us step-by-step.

Based on the first experience, we’ll start our second decluttering project with much more confidence and ease.

And soon the steps of the decluttering & organising process become so natural to us that we now struggle to understand why it took us so long to get started.  

How to declutter limiting thoughts

If we aren’t getting the result we want it’s because of a thought.

Our thoughts create our feelings, our feelings drive our actions, our actions accumulate into results. – The trouble starts when we forget about this powerful cycle of results-creation.

If something is not as we want it to be,

if we have a result in our life that we don’t like,

for example: ‘My desk is covered with piles of papers’),

    • we often believe that something is wrong with us.

For example: ‘I am hopeless at organising my stuff.

    • Or we blame certain circumstances in our life.

For example: ‘I don’t have enough space to file my paperwork properly.’

The consequence is feeling incapable, out of control, and stuck, and making any changes to the unsatisfying situation seems impossible.

It just seems like that that’s the way things are and that there is nothing we can do about it.

However, we can do something about it! Always!

We can change the results we currently have by changing the thoughts we currently think.

How can we declutter limiting thoughts?

The first step is becoming aware of the limiting thought. We need to recognise that what we believe to be a fact is actually a thought.

The fact in the example situation above is: ‘My desk is covered with piles of papers.’

The statement, ‘I am hopeless at organising my stuff’, however, is not a fact, it’s just a thought about the fact.

This differentiation is very important!

Thoughts are optional.

We can change them, and we can believe whatever we want about the circumstances/facts in our lives.

As soon as we are aware of what we are thinking, we can start to question our thoughts.

Questioning our thoughts

One of the many ways to test our thoughts – especially our limiting beliefs – is to ask ourselves powerful questions like the following (Source: April Price) – and to answer them:

    • ‘If I didn’t believe this, then what would I do?

We play around with the idea that what we believe to be true might actually not be true.

Example: ‘I am hopeless at organising my stuff. 

-> If I didn’t believe that, then what would I do?’

Possible new answer: ‘Organising might not be one of my top 5 strengths but that’s okay. And I am actually getting better at it.’

    • ‘What if I’m wrong about that?’

The more willing we are to consider that we might be wrong about our beliefs, the less self-limiting power they have over us.

Example: ‘I don’t have enough space to organise my paperwork properly. 

-> What if I’m wrong about that?’

Possible new answer: ‘I absolutely have enough space to organise my paperwork properly. I just have to rearrange a few things before I get started.’

    • ‘What if this is just a story my mind made up?’

Stories are not reality; they are made up. They are interpretations of the things and events in our lives. We can decide to interpret things differently.

Example: ‘I am hopeless at organising my stuff

-> What if this is just a story my mind made up? What’s a different story I could tell myself?’

Possible new answer: ‘I didn’t learn how to organise my stuff when I was young. So, of course, I don’t find it so easy today. But it’s just a skill, and I am getting better at it.’

Give it a try!

Pick a limiting thought, something you got so used to that you never questioned it.

Question it now (see above). Then, write down the answers. Pick one of them to practice and establish a new thought.  

Whenever the old thought comes up – and it will for a while because your brain is so used to thinking it – you decide deliberately to let it go. And you ‘turn around’ and focus your attention on the new thought. 

The more often you do this, the faster the old thought will lose its power.

Based on the new thought, your feelings and actions will change – and your results.

It works! Always!


Are you tired?

Tired of trying to (re)organise the various areas of your life entirely on your own?

Tired of investing vast amounts of time and energy in finding a way to create a better organised = better life?

Tired of feeling overwhelmed, confused, frustrated, stressed, disappointed, exhausted, …?

Fortunately, you don’t have to figure it out all by yourself.

We can do it together.

You can decide to get my support, advice, and guidance – and achieve the desired changes in your life so much faster and easier. 

Check out how I can help you.

Living fully in the here and now

We can’t escape our current life experience.

This is, of course, always true.

Our life takes place in the present, always. We can’t quit the current version of our life, we can’t jump back into the past or forward into the future.

We all know that but just now – in the middle of a worldwide pandemic – we can easily feel tempted to put all our expectations and hopes into the future.

We think, ‘I’ll do that, stop this, decide about that, think about this, etc. when things got better again or back to normal’.

But life is happening now and here. It’s not on the other side of self isolation. We can’t put it on hold for a couple of months.

Waiting for other/better times

    • can prevent us from trying to make the present better,
    • will make us feel stuck, and helpless in the here and now,
    • may hold us back from actively taking control of what we can influence and create right now,
    • can mean that we overlook new opportunities the current version of our life is offering to us.

So it seems to be a good idea to remind ourselves that we don’t have to wait for things to become better in order to love and fully live our current life.

What can we do to fully live our life in the present, in the here and now?

Some suggestions:

  • We can do a little thought experiment: What if the now was the normal?

What if our current life was our normal life? What would we be doing then?

What would we gratefully appreciate – all the good things that we have in our life right now, all the people, experiences, circumstances that are so precious to us?

What would we no longer accept as a given, what would we try to change to the better?

What would we do to contribute and to make the current world a better place?

If we intentionally decide to accept that the now is the normal – how do we want to think, feel and act in the current period of our life?

And, based on that decision: Does anything come up to mind that we can start to handle differently/better, right here and now?

  • We can ask ourselves questions about our values and our purpose. And answer them.

As we are currently more concerned about life, health and even death than we normally are, deeper questions about our life and ourselves might come up in our mind.

Instead of pushing away these potentially unsettling questions, we can deliberately decide to find our very personal answers to them.

Defining our values and our purpose in life can give our mind and our soul structure, stability and direction.

We can ask ourselves questions like these:

‘What is really important to me in the different areas of my life?

Am I currently neglecting important values and principles?

What do I want to achieve in my life, today and tomorrow?

Where do I want to focus my time and my energy?


And then we can use our answers to now truly ‘value our values’:

How can we pay more attention to what’s important to us in our daily life?

Could we start a new personal or professional development project, here and now, that’s closely linked to our values and our goals? 

  • We can actively take control of those areas in our lives that are within our power.

There is a lot we can do to feel active, powerful, and in control right now, in our private environment:

Activities such as decluttering and organising our belongings (READ MORE HERE), conducting home repairs or deep cleans, sorting through boxes of old photos, cleaning our digital files, clearing up the backyard or garden, etc.  

The experience that we can sort things out, that we can create visible results and improvements, helps us to see that we in fact can change our current reality to the better. This in turn helps us find more calmness and peace.

Thus, let’s ask ourselves: What’s the most urgent home-improvement project? What can I do to get started, here and now?